Monday, February 8, 2010

Megalomaniacal Speeches

Sena declared herself president of the house and made me write her a megalomaniacal speech.    Then Gus helped us write a second speech in a similar style. The third Sena wrote every word.

Speech #1

Ladies & Germs:

You bunch of bozos have annoyed me for the last time! From now on, things are gonna change! I'll see to it that times around here get pretty tough for all ya'lls. It's not gonna be the free lunch it was before. You gonna have to work for what you get from now on.  A peach on it.
Sincerely, Prezident of the house Sena

Speech #2

Look to the future!

Men and women of Earth, this is your lord high commandant Sena & your mayor Gus.  We have to make a cakeville!  Everybody do what you want!  A word from your mayor Gus (and from me) -- watch out for the beast!  It's right there! It's poisonous, isn't it?  Its heart is poisonous, its brain is poisonous.  I've never seen that beast! I made that beast! That beast is made of pillows! That beast is mean.

Speech #3

Hello wizobird of our houses!  Everybody make sure you love God and Jesus and recycle!  Make sure you don't eat too much goodies and everybody follow my rule!  Do whatever I say! And don't betray me or you will get a spanking! A hard one!  Even you, Daddy!  Don't even think about resting your arms until the job is done! Listen to my rules! Do everything I say!