Saturday, March 13, 2010

Daughter Gets Three Years Older While Father Writes Paper

I just finished writing a 61 page paper.

It wasn't as bad an experience as it could have been --I holed up in an empty apartment for 3 days, and wrote-semi non-stop except for sneaking in some Wire episodes by myself, which was a wifely betrayal of Rachel and I's nightly Wire watching.  But I had to. It was an emergency.

Boy, am I tired of Wrongful Incarceration Law. I'm not even sure if my paper can be read by someone other than me.  I think I may have created a closed-loop of invented terminology and junk logic and meandering bullshit analysis -- probably I should have just written it in Elvish.  My guess is they just make sure you did the margins and the footnotes right, then throw it out.

But upon returning, I see that my daughter is suddenly, like, an inch taller and can officially read a book by herself.  She turned five a few days ago, and it's weird but she really does suddenly seem like a big, big kid who makes big kid faces and big kid eye contacts and things.  Most of the stuff she says though is still not so big kid.

But time is going by really fast.

Also I'm going to see Greg Brown tonight at my old work, Rams Head Tavern. It's been 1 year (exactly, actually, we figured out).  With their turn-around, I bet not a single server I know still works there. I remember I had never waited tables and was flattered to be hired, like I had had a real connection in the interview, until I found out the other guy they hired that same day had never waited tables either -- and had just gotten out of prison earlier that week.  He looked visibly upset that he couldn't tie his tie. Like, to the point of violence.

We are hiring our first ever non-family baby sitter.  Gus has been a horrible non-pants putting on monster lately (refused to wear pants last night, inexplicably), so Good Luck, Baby Sitter.

Let's see what else.  I wish it wasn't raining.

I guess this entry really doesn't have a point, but consider it a little love tap.  I'll give you something better later if anything interesting happens to me, which is unlikely, but maybe at least I'll come up with some good lies.

Peace out, cub scouts.

P.S. Is "snuck" not a real word?

P.P.S. Sorry this one was so boring.


  1. Not boring! Congratulations on finishing the paper.

    P.S. Snuck is a real word.

  2. Snuck is at the top of my list of not-words that I thought were words. I still use it, but I worry that I sound ignorant.

    What gives me even more trouble is the past tense of "to plead." I pleaded guilty? I pled guilty? I plead guilty?

  3. i hate "nauseous," which is supposed to be an adjective that means having the character of making observers nauseated, but which is used instead as a polite form of nauseated. This leads me to make the very underappreciated joke:

    Tom; Uh, I feel like crap.
    Ignoramus: Are you nauseous?
    Tom: You tell me.

    Actually, I tend to think words are there for meaning whatever you want them to mean. But also, acting like a d-bag is kinda fun.
