Monday, April 12, 2010


Well, the internet is down at school and I am confused and afraid.  Like an old person. So what did I do? Well, currently I am writing a blog entry on this old fashioned word processing program that I will later cut and paste onto my blog if they ever fix the internet.    It eases the pain.

Rachel went to philadelphia to go to the "doctors" (affair?)  and had to stay in a hotel room there for the night.    I think I could increase my readership if I wrote more lovey dovey blog entries about how much I love her, but I don't know if that's appropriate when she is probably having an affair.   (just kidding -- i hope.)

In other news, my kids are still cute as always, wouldn't you know it.  Sena slept at her Oma's house yesterday night, but Gus kept me company, which is good, because truth be told when I am left in a house alone all night I kind of freak out.    I don't know how some people live alone. I wouldn't last more than a day or two I don't think.  I was also pretty flattered Gus chose me over his grandma and sister.   His sister has to be forced to spend the night away from her grandmother.  They are total BFFs.  Their favorite activity is to play farmville together.

Yes, in fact, a word on this farmville.  I'd like it to be known that I am not responsible for all the farmville being played around these parts.    I think Cheri is currently playing the farms of all one million of her daughters, her own account, her husband, and also mine.  Cherri is a funny sort.  She is a deeply private person and ubber respectful about certain issues, except you can never tell which these will be.  She will apologize prefusely for, say, moving your shoes from away from the front door, and then on the other hand she thinks nothing of posting things on your facebook every single day about how she needs fertilizer for her imaginary crops.

But to go back to these affairs Rachel is likely having, I have been wondering lately who Gus' real father is.  Okay, so, Gus has BLUE eyes and BLONDE hair.  Meanwhile, I have brown eyes and brown hair and Rachel has green eyes and red hair. It doesn't add up, does it!  I wonder what color hair and eyes this Pennsylvania "doctor" has.    #curiousaboutaffair

Gus is very into lizards currently and wants to purchase a lizard desperately.  He likes Geicos, skinks and iguanas the best.  I bought Gus a hat yesterday that says "winner, winner turkey dinner" and is comoflauge.  He says it is his camping hat and that we are going to go camping soon.  Which is good, but I guess probably he'll be a pain in the ass to take camping -- won't want to follow the trail, will probably go off and start eating poisonous berries, splashing in streams, petting bears, and refusing to hike the full 12 miles per day. That's the main purpose of camping as I see it, the death marches.  (that really is what I love best about being in the woods, for some reason).

I was thinking that even if Gus isn't mine I'm probably in too deep to back out now, love wise.   Then again, maybe I could manage it.  Yes. I think I could probably manage it.  We humans are amazingly adaptive creatures.  We can accomplish anything if we only set our minds to it.


  1. You were a blonde-haired little guy--with blue eyes, early on. Your mom had blue eyes, your aunt, your grandmother. Just sayin'. :-)
    Aunt Mare

  2. Yeah I know. Plus, you know, we planned Gus and all. I'm just trying to stir up a little controversy.
