Monday, February 22, 2010

Dogs Don't Like Hot Sauce

Dogs don't like hot sauce, but people do.  Is this because dogs' senses are better? I don't think so.  Because dogs also enjoy dog shit.

So why don't they like hot sauce?

Why would they? Hot sauce doesn't actually taste good.  It tastes bad.  It's hot, it burns you.

Well, why do people like hot sauce?

Because unlike dogs, we are able to enjoy pain.   Well, not pain.  We are able to enjoy what our bodies rush in and do to try to compensate for pain.  We are able to enjoy our bodies' reaction to pain.

Dogs aren't so good at taking a step back, experientially.

* * * * *

Actually, after I wrote the above, I remembered that dogs have a really great sense of smell, and then I thought, maybe the hot sauce burns their nose way more than it burns ours, and maybe all that stuff I wrote above is dumb.

This all leaves one important question though:  if people had a better sense of smell, would we enjoy eating our own feces?


  1. Thanks Joe. P.S. I like the ads this one generated. "Stop eating poop" is my favorite so far.
